
Siegfried ‘Ushindi’ Rossmueller

Celebrating Siegfried's life: The Ushindi Scholarship Fund

To learn about the Ushindi Scholarship Fund click here.
While working at Ikea for many years, Siegfried had been on a very personal journey, looking for new ideas and challenges to get inspired from and to integrate them in his own ideas and perspectives on life. One of his learnings has been the simple summary about people and how they matter in the end - if you want to save nature or animals, one needs to find a solution for the people, if you want to change the future, one needs to change the people today. Siegfried was deeply interested in maritime environmental protection and systemic solutions. In December 2014 Siegfried unexpectedly passed on. It is in his honor and in celebration of his life and who he was to our community that together with Alumni from his class we have taken the initiative to start a scholarship fund in his name. This fund will support an Amani Institute fellow from an African country who shares Siegfried 'Ushindi's passion for environmental protection or the arts.