
Patricia Santin

Patricia Santin was born in São Paulo, Brazil. She is graduated in Social Sciences, Nonprofit Sector Specialization and  MBA in Management and Entrepreneurship,  training in Development Processes by PROFIDES (Institute Fonte) and Social Education (Anthroposophical Base Education Association). She worked at Telefonica Foundation Brazil for 16 years. She was responsible for the largest scale projects in the history of this institution: the Combat Child Labor Program, the website "Promenino" ( ) and Causos do ECA (real stories on the implementation of the Children and Adolescents rights in Brazil). She has also worked on social projects in some Latin American countries, she was one of those responsible for the design and implementation of the Latin American Network Against Child Labor (LACTI Network) .She has also managed the Entrepreneurship and Technology for Youngsters Project and studied issues related to social innovation. Now she is an independent consultant for social innovation and development of the Nonprofit Sector in Brazil. Her work focuses on strategic planning, organizational and teams development (in public or private social organizations) as well as design and implementation of programs and projects portfolios.