
Isabel Leite Zampa

Curious and determined, she always knew her small hometown wouldn't be enough, so since the age of 15 she had to adapt to the constant change of cities, looking for the academic and professional experiences she wanted.During the Product Design graduation course she got in touch with the design thinking methodology and had the opportunity to develop projects of economic, social and environmental relevance.An exchange program to Italy was essential to expand her world conception. There she heard about the international organization CISV, which aims to inspire and educate people to a more just and peaceful world. As volunteer she has been delivering peace educational activities to youths and adults, by an experimental learn by doing approach, exploring themes as Diversity, Human Rights, Conflict & Resolution and Sustainable Development, being present in Brazil, Norway, USA and Myanmar.Because of CISV raised the will on herself to deepen in a social and educational cause. So in the Post-graduation course in Media Education (Educommunication) she got to know new educational practices and didactics in Brazil and how media can be used to improve a learning environment.Nowadays, she works with innovation consulting in business and technology and believes in social innovation as the main way to transform the inequality scenario we face in the world.